
Three rules:

I have always found these rules helpful, in my personal, professional, and my political life.

"Never make promises you can't keep"

If elected, whether as Mayor or Councillor, a successful candidate will be one of ten votes around the Council table.

As such, they cannot promise any outcome.

Candidates can only make 'honest' promises about things they have control over; their behaviour; what they will advocate for; etc. 

But candidates that promise outcomes are either liars, or fools, or both.

They are not worthy of your vote.

"No person can serve two masters"

Every successful candidate swears an oath to serve the city.

A good Councillor will know, represent and advocate strongly for their ward. 

But their oath means that they must put the interests of the city above those of their ward... whether based on geography or ethnicity.

They must also put the interests of the city above the interests of those who may have sponsored their candidacy.

Any perception of a 'conflict of interest' is damaging to the trust people place in their democratic institutions.

That is one of the reasons I have always declined offers of financial support.

"The Golden Rule"

Treat others the way you want to be treated - unless you are a masochist.

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